Source: First Focus – June 27, 2012 First Focus recently published Children’s Budget 2012, an analysis of more than 180 federal investments in children. The report finds that discretionary spending on children has declined for two consecutive years,...
The Committee for Economic Development released a new report on June 26, 2012, “Unfinished Business: Continued Investment in Child Care and Early Education is Critical to Business and America’s Future,” highlighting the importance of having...
Source: CLASP – May 29, 2012 By Emily Firgens Unemployment takes a toll on an entire family. Both parents and children are impacted by the lack of income, stress, and uncertainty that comes with it. Research time and again shows that young children who grow up...
Title: Intersecting Interests/TTA Networking Event Location: Radisson Paper Valley, 333 W. College Avenue, Appleton, WI 54911 Link Out: Click Here Description: Nourish relationships between WI Early Childhood Higher Education and State/Regional Training/Technical...
Source: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation – Retrieved May 30, 2012 The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) recently published a brief entitled Identifying Profiles of Quality in Home-Based Child Care (2012). The brief highlights the need...
Source: Office of Head Start – May 16, 2012 The Office of Head Start has announced that it will be piloting a Birth-to-Five Funding Opportunity in five service areas where Head Start and Early Head Start funds are slated to be awarded through a competitive...
posted on April 19, 2012 CLASP, the Center for Law and Social Policy, is seeking a Communications Director. Based in Washington D.C., with the mission of improving the lives of low-income people, CLASP develops and advocates for federal, state and local policies to...
Head start for the whole family Maria Lockwood – 04/18/2012 Twice a year, Family Forum Head Start buses students to the dentist. Monday, the short yellow buses will bring the children’s parents to a job fair at Wessman Arena. Unlike a traditional preschool, Head...
Source: National Institute of Early Education Research – April 10, 2012 The National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) has published its 2011 State Preschool Yearbook (April 2012). The Yearbook ranks states on funding of pre-K programs and their...