
WHSA Advocacy Priorities:

The Wisconsin Head Start Association is not just a resource for Wisconsin’s children, but also for all the citizens of our great state. We prepare the most vulnerable children amongst us to be ready to succeed throughout primary and secondary school, as well as into college and what comes after! We provide them with skills that serve them throughout their educational journey and throughout the rest of their lives. In so doing, we further ensure that Wisconsin has the work force and the brain power to continue leading the future.

Along with direct education programs, we also author and provide:

  • Policy position papers & testimony
  • Finding Your Voice-capitol visits with state and federal policymakers
  • Authoritative voice in research and policy
  • Advocacy updates to members

Advocacy in Action

What makes Head Start different than child care or 4K?

This isn’t childcare or 4K. Along with focusing on a child’s education, we are also proud to provide a litany of other services to both the children served and their families. This includes comprehensive services like:

  • Home visits
  • Parent education
  • Preventive health care, including:
    • Vision
    • Dental
    • Medical
    • Mental
  • Social services connecting families in poverty with:
    • Housing and food assistance
    • Job training
    • Child development services for early identification and intervention for special needs

Head Start programs follow researched based curriculum, with measureable child outcomes and learning goals. We work with highly educated teachers; 93% of our teachers have BA degrees. Classrooms strive for the highest quality and participate in YoungStar with most  receiving a 5 star rating for programs.

Head Start programs are flexible in meeting the local communities needs for both 4K and comprehensive services for families living in poverty. There are 347 programs who have formal agreements with school districts to provide pre-K services.

Furthermore, Head Start programs do not expel or un-enroll a child because of their behavior. We strive to support ALL Head Start children.


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