Did Head Start work for you? Tell us about it here!
Write a Testimonial ¿Hablas español? ¡Comparte Su Testimonio! Are you one of the 27 million Head Start alumni? Are you a parent, a teacher, a supporter of Head Start? Statistics can paint a picture of Head Start's impact, but nothing makes the its value clearer...
Census: More Wisconsin children living in poverty
Article Published Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by ERIN RICHARDS of the Journal Sentinel Dec 12, 2012View original article on JSOnline.com The percentage of children living in poverty rose to 18.4% for Wisconsin and almost 32% for Milwaukee County in 2011, according to...
Wisconsin wins $22.7M early learning grant
THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 2012, 1:22 PM ASSOCIATED PRESS MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin will receive $22.7 million in a Race to the Top early learning challenge grant, one of five states to share in the federal money announced by the White House. The state will use the...
Register Now for 2013 Spring Quarterly Meeting
It is time again for the Spring Quarterly Meeting.... You can now register online on the website by April 10th Meeting dates: April 17-18, 2013
Region V ChildPlus Users Group
Whether you’re a current ChildPlus user or an agency looking to become a ChildPlus user, come to the next Region V User Group Meeting in Waukesha, WI, on April 16-17, 2013. Users coming together to troubleshoot problems, offer tips, shortcuts, and to suggest possible...
2013 WHSA Winter Quarterly Meeting – Agenda
Summary Agenda January 9 and 10, 2013 Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club, Madison Wednesday, January 9th 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. - Professional and Leadership Development Work Group All are welcome to come and learn about our work group 10:00 a.m. to Noon - General...
YoungStar in Wisconsin: An Analysis of Data as of July 2012
Wisconsin Council on Children and Families (WCCF) has just released a new publication, YoungStar in Wisconsin: An Analysis of Data as of July 2012. This report is the third in a series of progress reports since the YoungStar quality rating and improvement system was...
Are you ready for Tuesday?
Your vote counts! If you have problems casting our vote call: • 866-OUR-VOTE (687-8683) • 888-VE-Y-VOTA (839-8682) If you need to find your polling place enter your address below. Know your Rights
Call for Training Proposal – 2013 Online form
Why sequestration would be harmful to children, families and jobs
This video spotlights what's at stake if Congress fails to act to avert the automatic cuts to the area of the budget that funds many human needs programs, including Head Start. As many as 80,000 children could lose access to Head Start's comprehensive services and...
Make Children and Families a Top Priority During Election Campaign Season During election season, candidates do a lot of talking. They talk about their priorities and the kinds of legislation they intend to champion. They tend to tailor their message to the audience...
2013 WHSA Winter Quarterly Meeting
January 9 and 10, 2013 Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club, Madison WHSA invites Director, Parent, and Staff Affiliate representatives as well as ERSEA, Health & Nutrition, and Transportation Services Managers to join us at the WHSA Winter Quarterly...
2013 WHSA Spring Quarterly Meeting
April 17-18, 2013 Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club, Madison WHSA invites Director, Parent, and Staff Affiliate representatives as well as Family & Community Partnerships Managers and related staff to join us at the WHSA Spring Quarterly meeting. Affiliate...
2012 WHSA Fall Quarterly Meeting
WHAT: 2012 WHSA Fall Quarterly Meeting SPONSOR: Wisconsin Head Start Association (WHSA) WHEN: Wednesday,October 24 and Thursday, October 25, 2012 WHERE: The Heidel House Resort, Green Lake DESCRIPTION: WHSA invites Director, Parent, and Staff Affiliate representatives...