APA Task force on Childhood Poverty A STRATEGIC ROAD-MAP

"Recently, there has been a lot of focus on the idea of toxic stress, in which a young child’s body and brain may be damaged by too much exposure to so-called stress hormones, like cortisol and norepinephrine. When this level of stress is experienced at an early age,...

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Infant and Toddler Care and Education in Milwaukee 2012

Wisconsin Council on Children and Families (WCCF) has just released a new publication, Infant and Toddler Care and Education in Milwaukee 2012. The YoungStar quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) is being rolled out, bringing greater focus to the quality of...

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Head Start Can Help Children and Parents Learn to Save

Andrea Levere, Corporation for Enterprise Development and Sterling Speirn, W.K. Kellogg Foundation - Posted April 1, 2013 Every year, Head Start reaches nearly one million children—and their parents. This federal program has long played a critical role in preparing...

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Sequester causing budget problems for Head Start program

WKOW.com Madison   Posted: Mar 26, 2013 6:08 PM CDT By Jennifer Kliese - bio | email VIDEO MADISON (WKOW) -- It's been more than three weeks since the sequester kicked in, causing cuts across the board to many federal programs. One of those agencies facing a five...

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NHSA Sequestration FAQ

Sequestration began on March 1st, 2013, causing across-the-board cuts for many areas of government spending, including “non-defense discretionary” spending which includes funding for Head Start and Early Head Start. The Administration for Children and Families...

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Advocacy Project Video Upload

Thank you for your participation in the WHSA Advocacy Video Project. Please use the submission utility below to send us your raw video file. Depending on the size of your video file and your connection speed it may take several minutes to fully upload. If you are...

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What’s Next for Head Start?

BY TREND LINES | FEBRUARY 25, 2013 · 9:30 AM   While President Obama in his State of the Union address called for greater investment in early childhood education, he also said some 70,000 disadvantaged three- to five-year-old children and their families could be...

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2013 WHSA Spring Quarterly Meeting – Agenda

Summary Agenda April 17-18,  2013 Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club, Madison Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:30 a.m.  to  9:45 a.m. - Professional and Leadership Development Work Group - All are welcome to come and learn about our work group   10:00 to 11:45...

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Senator Leibham reads to CESA 7 Head Start Children

Tuesday March 5, 2013: Senator Joe Leibham took time out from Madison this week to read with the CESA 7 Head Start full day program in Manitowoc, WI. The children learned what it means to be an American as Senator Leibham read a book about the origin of the American...

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WHSA Seeking An Executive Director

The Wisconsin Head Start Association, a private not-for-profit membership organization representing more than 16,000 children and upwards of 4,000 staff comprising the 63 Head Start/Early Head Start programs in Wisconsin, is seeking an Executive Director. The...

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Does Head Start work?

Published in Reuters on DECEMBER 27, 2012 Is this near five-decade commitment to give every child an opportunity to succeed in life worth the money? At a time when the federal government faces difficult fiscal choices, the question is appropriate. Many expected the...

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