27 Millions windowsWrite a Testimonial ¿Hablas español? ¡Comparte Su Testimonio!


Are you one of the 27 million Head Start alumni? Are you a parent, a teacher, a supporter of Head Start? Statistics can paint a picture of Head Start’s impact, but nothing makes the its value clearer than stories from those who’ve been touched by a good program explaining how it’s changed their lives. Tell us why you believe Head Start is a Window of Opportunity!

The stories we collect will be shared through NHSA’s websites and with the larger community to demonstrate the benefits of Head Start’s comprehensive medical, social-emotional and educational services to vulnerable children and families.

Questions? E-mail Katherine Trujillo at ktrujillo@nhsa.org.

If you contributed a testimonial prior to 2/1/12 and did not include your program affiliation but you want your story to be counted toward the program challenge, you may e-mail her to make that change.

Please include your full name, story title, and program.

Please tell us here


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