Sequestration began on March 1st, 2013, causing across-the-board cuts for many areas of government spending, including “non-defense discretionary” spending which includes funding for Head Start and Early Head Start. The Administration for Children and Families released a Program Instruction (ACF-PI- 13-01) the same day that outlines the broad details of what the sequester will mean for Head Start.

The questions below have been gathered from calls and messages from the field, and answers have been generated based on the Program Instruction and other public information about Head Start and the sequester. All of the questions have also been forwarded to the Office of Head Start

Is my program’s current budget affected?

Programs’ FY2013 funding will be reduced by approximately 5% – the exact number will be identified and shared in the coming weeks. Budgets for FY2012 are not affected. Funding for FY2014 is unknown pending the budget and appropriations process. The FY2013 began on October 1, 2012 and ends on September 30, 2013.

If your current grant year began on...You are currently spending funds for...

If your grant’s fiscal year began since 10/1/12, that means you are already spending FY2013 funds and the sequestration cut to your annual funding level must be realized in the remaining months of your current budget period. If your grant’s fiscal year begins 04/1- 09/1, then you are currently operating under FY 2012 funds and your cut will take effect when you are issued your FY 2013 refunding (4/1/2013- – 9/1/2013, depending on when you receive your annual funding).

If you’re not sure when your local program began its grant year, contact your Regional Program Specialist.

How should cuts be implemented?

The exact nature of cuts will be decided at the program level by Program staff with approval by the Policy Council and governing body. The Office of Head Start has indicated that programs will have flexibility to cut days of service and slots without penalty. We anticipate further guidance from OHS about that process. The Program Instruction issued by the OHS offers the following priorities:

  • “The first priority for all programs is to maintain a high quality of service provided to children and families and to ensure their health and safety.
  • It is critical to minimize disruptions to currently enrolled children for this program year.
  • We expect enrollment reductions, as well as workforce reductions, particularly in the upcoming program year.”

Are we allowed to cut:

  • slots?
    Yes. OHS estimates that approximately 70,000 children will lose access to Head Start services because of this reduction. Please work with your Regional Office as you plan how to alter your program to operate at the reduced funding level.
  • days of the school year?
    Yes. The PI states that the OHS understands the impact on the current program year will vary depending on when grantees receive their annual funding and understands that programs well into their program year will have to make decisions quickly to operate at this reduced funding level, possibly including early program closures.
  • comprehensive services?
    No. Quality cannot be compromised for children served by Head Start and Early Head Start. The first priority for all programs is to maintain a high quality of service provided to children and families and to ensure their health and safety.

Are cuts to OHS at the regional and federal levels also taking place?

Yes. All state, regional and national activities, including training and technical assistance, research and monitoring, will also be reduced by at least 5%. Proportional reductions across all these activities are required by Section 640 of the Head Start Act. However, we understand that within the total T&TA funds there may be flexibility to place larger cuts on state, regional and national activities to minimize or eliminate cuts to grantees’ T&TA dollars.

What if my program is going through Designation Renewal and has an extension grant through June 2013?

This question has been forwarded to the Office of Head Start for an official answer – we will post an answer when it is received.

How can I reach out to my Member of Congress about the sequester?

[Click here for NHSA’s sequestration action resources]

If you have additional questions that were not answered above, please complete this form and we will forward questions to the Office of Head Start.

Thank you!

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