Communities of Practice


Professional Development and networking that offers a richer experience
of camaraderie with coworkers. Participants will examine multiple
perspectives on ideas and practices, engage in deeper peer learning, and
shared enjoyment of work overtime with trained facilitators leading
workshops & discussions.
Introduced in 1991, the term communities of practice “is a group of people
who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to
do it better as they interact regularly over time” (Wenger, McDermott, and
Snyder 2002). Head Start has often formed “clusters” or “networking”
meetings in a less structured or formal way to bring people together who
have shared job responsibilities. Deepening these relationships, WHSA
seeks to incorporate reflective practice and topical issues in a more focused
For the past several years, PLDWG has been working to reshape how we
deliver professional development through the Association. Our Strategic
Plan, Focus 2020, identified a need to implement and maintain meaningful
leadership development opportunities for our members. To this end, a
Communities of Practice approach will be used to offer focused multi-phased
training opportunities which build on previous learning to encourage
scaffolding as opposed to a “shot in the arm” workshop approach to training
and development. Each Community of Practice meeting/training will
incorporate reflective discussions including progress, updates, and lessons
gathered from the learning community. Therefore, we strongly encourage
you to send a consistent person/ team to each meeting.

Download the 2018-19 Communities of Practice flyer below:

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