Senator Leibham reads to CESA 7 Head Start Children

Tuesday March 5, 2013: Senator Joe Leibham took time out from Madison this week to read with the CESA 7 Head Start full day program in Manitowoc, WI. The children learned what it means to be an American as Senator Leibham read a book about the origin of the American...

WHSA Seeking An Executive Director

The Wisconsin Head Start Association, a private not-for-profit membership organization representing more than 16,000 children and upwards of 4,000 staff comprising the 63 Head Start/Early Head Start programs in Wisconsin, is seeking an Executive Director. The...

Does Head Start work?

Published in Reuters on DECEMBER 27, 2012 Is this near five-decade commitment to give every child an opportunity to succeed in life worth the money? At a time when the federal government faces difficult fiscal choices, the question is appropriate. Many expected the...

Did Head Start work for you? Tell us about it here!

Write a Testimonial ¿Hablas español? ¡Comparte Su Testimonio!   Are you one of the 27 million Head Start alumni? Are you a parent, a teacher, a supporter of Head Start? Statistics can paint a picture of Head Start’s impact, but nothing makes the its value...

Census: More Wisconsin children living in poverty

Article Published Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by ERIN RICHARDS of the Journal Sentinel Dec 12, 2012View original article on The percentage of children living in poverty rose to 18.4% for Wisconsin and almost 32% for Milwaukee County in 2011, according to...

Wisconsin wins $22.7M early learning grant

THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 2012, 1:22 PM ASSOCIATED PRESS MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin will receive $22.7 million in a Race to the Top early learning challenge grant, one of five states to share in the federal money announced by the White House. The state will use the...