WHAT: NHSA’s 27th Annual Head Start Parent Conference, “Parent Engagement: The Necessary Ingredient”
National Head Start Association (NHSA)
Friday, December 10 to Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Virginia Beach Convention Center – Virgina Beach, VA
NHSA’s Annual Head Start Parent Conference is the only national parent conference that delivers high-quality training and educational opportunities to Head Start parents and those who work with or on behalf of parents. Parent engagement is critical to helping children to be ready for kindergarten and to building lifelong learning skills. Participants in this comprehensive professional development event will learn best practices, effective strategies, and cutting-edge approaches that address the many challenges they face, explore areas critical to parent engagement, and facilitate the healthy development of Head Start children. The goal of this conference is to ensure that all participants gain the information and resources needed to bridge the gap between “what to do” and “how to do it.”
MORE INFO and TO REGISTER: Please visit the event page on the NHSA website.

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