The “Dual-Generation Strategy” Theory of Change
Source: Ray Marshall Center - Retrieved March 23, 2012 A recent brief published by the Ray Marshall Center describes the dual-generation strategy theory of change (2012), which suggests that the combination of three core components - high quality early-childhood...
The Importance of Emotional Support for Mothers
Source: Child Trends - March 21, 2012 Child Trends has published a new research brief, Families and Child Outcomes: The Importance of Emotional Support for Mothers (March 2012), which finds that emotional support for mothers improves outcomes for children, even when...
New Research Findings on the Readiness Gap Between Wealthy and Poor Children
Source: Brookings Institute and Stanford University - March 19, 2012 The Brookings Institute recently published a new report, Starting School at a Disadvantage: The School Readiness of Poor Children (March 2012) by Julia B. Isaacs, which shows that only 48% of poor...
Head Start’s 11th National Research Conference
Title: Head Start's 11th National Research Conference Location: Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001 Link out: Click here Description: Children and families in Head Start reflect the diversity of our nation and the need to understand...
2012 WHSA Spring Quarterly Meeting
WHAT: 2012 WHSA Spring Quarterly Meeting SPONSOR: Wisconsin Head Start Association (WHSA) WHEN: Wednesday, April 25 and Thursday, April 26, 2012 WHERE: The Madison Concourse Hotel DESCRIPTION: WHSA invites Director, Parent, and Staff Affiliate representatives as well...
Executive Director-Western Dairyland Community Action Agency
Job Description: Western Dairyland EOC Inc., headquartered in the City of Independence in West Central Wisconsin, is a non-profit Community Action Agency working to alleviate poverty-related conditions in a four-county area. The agency seeks an Executive Director to...
Environmental Rating Scales Training
Title: Environmental Rating Scales Training Location: Madison College Downtown Campus, 211 North Carroll Street, Madison, WI Link out: Click here Description: • Learn about the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scales and the Early Childhood Environmental Rating...
Wed May 2, 2012: Environmental Rating Scales Training
When: Wednesday & Thursday May 2-3, 2012; 8:00-4:00 Location: Madison College Downtown Campus, 211 N. Carroll Street, Madison, WI 53703 • Learn about the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scales and the Early Childhood. • Practice using the tools in real...
2012 HHS Poverty Guidelines
The Annual Update of the HHS Poverty Guidelines was published in the Federal Register on January 26, 2012. 2012 Poverty Guidelines. This is a summary of the poverty guidelines that were published by the Department of Health and Human Services. This information is...
Raising Attendance at Tulsa’s Head Start Program
by Lisa Guernsey for Early Ed Watch Blog Click here to view entire article. An overview of the importance of preschool attendance, this article touches on how Tulsa CAP Head Start and the programs On Time, On Target With Success, and Abriendo Puertas have improved...
The Link Between Obesity and the Early Mother-Child Relationship
by Dr. Esther Entin in the Atlantic Click here to view entire article. Dr. Entin summarizes research on obesity and mother-child attachment that found children who had the lowest quality relationships with their mothers were nearly two and a half times more likely to...
How Head Start Can Make a Difference
by Motoko Rich in the New York Times Economix Blog Click to view article. This article that ran recently in the New York Times examines research described in February’s Research Blast about how Head Start increases parental involvement, including among fathers who do...
Fathers’ and mothers’ cognitive stimulation in early play with toddlers: Predictors of 5th grade reading and math
by Gina Cook, Lori Roggman & Lisa Boyce in Family Science This unique effort to examine the contributions of both mothers’ and fathers’ play with their children to children’s academic outcomes at the end of elementary school supports much of the work that Early...
Math and Science in Preschool: Policies and Practice
by Kimberly Brenneman, Judi Stevenson-Boyd & Ellen Frede of NIEER Click here to view entire article. This Preschool Policy Brief from the National Institute for Early Education Research explores what is known about how young children interact with math and...