by WHSA | Jul 16, 2010
Yesterday, the House Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies appropriations subcommittee held its mark-up for the FY2011 Appropriations bill. The bill provides $176.4 billion in discretionary spending for the Labor, HHS, and Education department as well as other...
by WHSA | Jun 25, 2010
TheNational Institute for Literacy recently released Learning to Talk and Listen: An Oral Language Resource for Early Childhood Caregivers,the second booklet in its “Cornerstones” series of publications to support research-based early literacy practices. ...
by WHSA | Apr 15, 2010
On April 8, Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) distributed a “Dear Colleague” Letter asking fellow Senators to sign-on to the letter requesting a $1 billion increase for Head Start and Early Head Start and a $1 billion increase for the...
by WHSA | Apr 5, 2010
The next Parent Affiliate Raffle will be held at the WHSA Spring Quarterly Meeting from April at The Madison Concourse Hotel. All raffle proceeds go to fund our Positive Opportunities for Parents (POP) Scholarships. If you have questions about or are interested in...
by WHSA | Feb 5, 2010
President Obama’s budget request for fiscal year 2011, the first step in the annual appropriations process, was released on February 2, 2010. The President’s budget prioritizes early childhood education and care programs and supports for young children and...
by WHSA | Feb 2, 2010
The federal budget process–which includes the appropriations process to distribute federal funds annually–is incredibly complex. This is your primer to the budget process, which follows the steps and procedures outlined below. Step One: The...