“The Recession and Child Health” from First Focus

First Focus, PolicyLab at The Children’s Hospital of Philedephia, and the Foundation for Child Development have partnered to draw attention to the effects of the economic recession on child well-being. The Recession and Child Health, a new report which examines...

Dual Language Learners Multimedia Resources at ECLKC

Several multimedia resources related to supporting young dual language learners (DLLs) have been added to the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECKLC), a service of the Office of Head Start (OHS). On ECLKC’s Guide to Dual Language Learners...

Making the Case for Investment in Early Childhood Education & Care

More and more resources are coming out making the case that economic investment in young children is good for the American economy and good for America’s current and future workforce.  Below are links to some of the latest resources geared toward the business...

The Effects of Preschool: Implications for Practice & Policy

In “The Effects of Preschool Education: What We Know, How Public Policy Is or Is Not Aligned with the Evidence Base, and What We Need to Know,” a new paper appearing in the Association for Psychological Science’s Psychological Science in the Public...

Jule Sugarman, Architect of Project Head Start, Dies at 83

Jule Sugarman had a distinguished career in public service and administration. He was likely best known for his roles as architect, manager, and director of Head Start under Sargent Shriver during the Johnson administration.  He died of cancer on November 2. His...

Midterm 2010 Election Outcomes: A Shifting Balance of Power

112th Congress, 1st Session U.S. Senate maintains a Democratic majority of 52 (including 2 independents who caucus with Democrats) with a Republican  minority of 46 (previously, Democrats 59-41 majority).  At press time 2 seats were still undecided; however outcomes...