Wisconsin Head Start Advocacy Video ProjectThank you for your participation in the WHSA Advocacy Video Project.

Please use the submission utility below to send us your raw video file. Depending on the size of your video file and your connection speed it may take several minutes to fully upload. If you are able, it may be more manageable for you to upload two five-minute videos than one ten minute video. (An example. There is no requirement for 10 min. of video content)

Video Content / Subject Matter

The purpose is to showcase the benefits and services realized by Head Start children and their families. We’re looking for stories and testimonials from Head Start parents, former Head Start parents as well as Head Start alumni. If you have questions about what experiences to capture in your video please contact Dan Stickler at the WHSA offices.  608-442-6879

Questions:  Stephen Pickering at Drywater Productions

Submission Date

We would ask that we receive your video content submission by May 15th, 2013

Next Steps

Once the advocacy videos are produced they will be made available to WHSA members for your own local/regional use via this website and other distribution channels. Your use and participation is encouraged as part of broader WHSA statewide advocacy efforts in concert with contributing to national efforts. You will be notified directly when the completed videos are ready for your use.

Please note: Our professional video editors/producers will take all the raw video content available to produce the best finished products possible. We cannot guarantee what video content makes it into the finished product.

Upload your video

(1) You’ll be asked to enter a password. Type in:captcha

(2) Once in the utility you will be asked for your name, contact information and a “Transfer Name”. Simply enter the name of your center. If we have questions we’ll contact you. Here you’ll be able to drag-n-drop your file into the submission field.

(3) After you submit your video file you will see a confirming message above the submission utility below. If you do not receive confirmation or if you have any difficulty submitting you’re welcome to:

  • Call us at:  847-431-0710
  • email us at:  rick@resonatewebmarketing.com

Thank you for your participation!

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