Whats New?
5/15/20- CDC Guidelines for Head Start and Child Care Reopening:
**WHSA is aggregating resources and is not an authority for final answers, please be sure to consult with OHS, your leadership structures, your auditor, and experts for different topics.**
Table of Contents:
General Information and professional Resources
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC)
Department of Children and Families (Wisconsin DCF)
Department of Health Services (Wisconsin DHS)
Dewitt Law
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA):
Governor Tony Evers
National Head Start Association
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIERR)
Office of Head Start (OHS)
Special Olympics
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
Zero to Three
Publicly Available Resources from WI HS/EHS Programs
CESA 11 Pandemic Emergency Plan
REACH Dane/REACH Green Program Resources
For-Profit and Vendor Resources
Learning Props
General Information and Professional Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC):
5/15/20- CDC Guidelines for Head Start and Child Care Reopening:
Department of Children and Families (Wisconsin DCF):
DCF Guidance including rule waiver for child care providers and WI Shares eligibility (issued 3/15/2020):
DCF Updates 3/23/20:
DCF Updates Email: 3/23/20
3/26/20: Recording and notes from the ECD provider call with Governor Evers are posted on DCF’s webpage:
3/19/20: The Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Department of Health Services (DHS) are collaborating with the Registry Inc., Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA), Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA), the Wisconsin Hospitals Association to ensure that the child care and school age needs of Wisconsin’s essential personnel are met during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are an educator who is able to serve, we’re seeking your help in providing care to Wisconsin’s essential personnel. Please fill out the below survey with your information and availability so we can connect you with local service needs. Thank you.
By filling out this survey, you may be considered to assist in providing child care for individuals who provide essential services in Wisconsin: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WI-early-care.
Department of Health Services (Wisconsin DHS):
4/24/20: Badger Bounce-Back Plan idetifyihng important criteria for WI to be able to reopen its economy.
Dewitt Law:
3/19/20: Dewitt Law Firm has put together an analysis of the FFCRA that was pass yesterday. It can be found here: http://www.dewittllp.com/news-education/posts/2020/03/18/march-18-2020-update—the-families-first-coronavirus-response-act-has-now-been-passed-by-the-senate-so-what-are-the-new-time-off-obligations-that-covered-employers-must-address
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA):
3/18/20: The FFCRA can be read in it’s entirety here: https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Families%20First%20summary.pdf
*NHSA has shared that the bill passed last night does give USDA the needed flexibility around CACFP.
Governor Tony Evers:
3/18/20: https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/files/press/2020/dcf-order-2-covid-19.pdf
3/24/20 Governor Ever’s Safer at Home order: https://evers.wi.gov/Documents/COVID19/EMO12-SaferAtHome.pdf
3/24/20 To see all of the updates from Governor Evers:
3/26/20 WHSA Shared notes from Gov. Evers Call:
3/26/20 3/26/20: Recording and notes from the ECD provider call with Governor Evers are posted on DCF’s webpage:
4/16/20: Gov. Evers extends “Safer at Home” orders.
4/24/20: Badger Bounce-Back Plan idetifyihng important criteria for WI to be able to reopen its economy.
National Head Start Association
NHSA Coronavirus Main Page:
NHSA Coronalvirus Resource Page:
NHSA Resource Email 3/18/20:
NHSA 3-26 Watercooler Call Slides:
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
NIEER COVID-19 Resouce Page:
Office of Head Start (OHS):
4/6/20: CARES Funding Webinar Slides & Jennie’s notes on the meeting.
Special Olympics:
3/26/20 Special Olympics – Physical Education Assistance:
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association Resources (WECA):
Sample letter to families regarding the coronavirus
Sample policy letter on closures due to large scale illness
Child Care and The Prevention of Covid-19 Cautionary Procedures
3/19/20: The Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Department of Health Services (DHS) are collaborating with the Registry Inc., Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA), Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA), the Wisconsin Hospitals Association to ensure that the child care and school age needs of Wisconsin’s essential personnel are met during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are an educator who is able to serve, we’re seeking your help in providing care to Wisconsin’s essential personnel. Please fill out the below survey with your information and availability so we can connect you with local service needs. Thank you.
By filling out this survey, you may be considered to assist in providing child care for individuals who provide essential services in Wisconsin: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WI-early-care.
Zero to Three
Policy Response to COVID-19: Push our policymakers to act for families with babies and toddlers through this global pandemic: https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/3278-policy-response-to-covid-19
Publicly Available Resources from WI HS/EHS Programs
Pandemic Emergency Plan:
4/8/20 – Sending videos out to our families:
Making Oobleck with a Special Helper: https://www.facebook.com/PolkCountyEarlyLearningCenterCesa11HeadStart/videos/vb.150815095087733/518487652148837/?type=2&theater
Miss Cathy Counting with Saddie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g_1Ojn41DsdlXXM1TEVFCIa3BaLJ3YAv/view
Sally & Sam: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n5dVmtR4KYUt2jy2Rsupw4kHadGw4IYP/view
REACH Dane Resources:
Information for Families:
Letter to Families
What is Covid 19?
Sick with Covid-19 Fact Sheet:
Instructions for Low-Risk Exposure:
For-Profit and Vendor Resources
3/30/20: WHSA has been informed that KAPLAN has offered discounts to Wisconsin programs on take-home kits and shipping costs. Contact your KAPLAN rep. for more information. If you do not have a KAPLAN rep., contact Brian at WHSAassist@whsaonline.org to be pointed in the right direction.
3/19/20: WHSA has been informed that Lakeshore is allowing programs to order specific catalog items that can be packed and shipped to programs as bundled take-home kits. Contact your Lakeshore rep. for more information. If you do not have a Lakeshore rep., contact Brian at WHSAassist@whsaonline.org to be pointed in the right direction.
Learning Props
3/19/20: Many folks are Many folks are gathering resources to send home to families. Bev Schumacher from Learning Props also has kits that could be sent home easily. You can contact Bev via the website, www.learningprops.com.
Phone application for Parent Scheduling & Health/Wellness:
WIPFLI Head Start Insights on Families First Coronavirus Response Act:
These lists will be further propagated as more information come forth. Check back for updates!