EHS School Readiness


Thursday, June 12, 2014

3:00pmWelcome, Introductions, Overview of the Summit
3:15pmSelf Reflection Activity and small group table discussion
4:45pmUsing Data to Develop Quality Programs for Infants, Toddlers, and their Families
5:30pmNetworking Dinner
6:00pmImplementing Seamless School Readiness Services Birth-to-Five with an Emphasis on Birth-to-Three
7:30pmWrap-up and Overview for Day 2



Friday, June 13, 2014

8:30amWelcome, Reflections
8:45amMeasuring What Matters: Exploring Child and Family Progress
10:45amFacilitated Breakout Discussions (3 breakouts)

  1. Developing and Measuring School Readiness Goals for Infants and Toddlers (Direct Service Staff)

  2. Ensuring that staff know what to do with the data (Managers)

  3. Sharing Your Data (Directors)

11:45am Networking Lunch
12:30pm Using Data to Inform Learning for Infants, Toddlers and Families Who are Dual Language Learners
2:00pmAction Planning
2:45pmShare highlights (Walk about)
2:55pmEvaluation/Wrap up

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