Capstone Certificate ScholarshipOverview from website:
The Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program is the new credit-based Program that was formerly the University of Wisconsin Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Certificate Program.

This Capstone Certificate Program is an intensive, interdisciplinary, one or two year academic program for practicing professionals from the disciplines of mental health, health, social services and education who work with families in the prenatal and postpartum periods and with children ages birth through five years. Following a cohort model, the students who complete this onsite, face-to-face, professional development program will gain an enhanced understanding of parent, infant and early childhood mental health and new skills to support the social and emotional development and well-being of young children in the context of their family/caregiver relationships.

Enrolled participants will be provided with class instruction as well as small group and individualized opportunities to reflect upon and integrate Capstone Certificate content into their professional work experiences with women in pregnancy and postpartum, families in the transition to parenthood and with infants and young children. These experiences contribute to an increased knowledge base and skills in providing appropriate screening, assessment, diagnostic, and therapeutic, intervention services. The Capstone Certificate in Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health is informed by current empirical knowledge from developmental, neuroscience, and attachment research.


Apply to the Program:

The Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program applications are now available for the 2015 – 2016 Program. Apply by March 31, 2015 for first consideration for admission and scholarships. Applications will continue to be accepted as space is available.

Apply for the WHSA Scholarship:

In the Fall of 2014, the WHSA Board of Directors approved a scholarship for $8,000 to support the cost of tuition for this program.  Time, travel expenses, books, and materials are the responsibility of the participant or their program (as negotiated by the program and their agency leadership.)

To be eligible for this scholarship, participants must submit a personal statement not to exceed 4 pages (double spaced 12 point font Times New Roman) to Lilly Irvin-Vitela at by 5 pm on 3/23/15 or be mailed to:

Wisconsin Head Start Association
Attention: WHSA Capstone Certificate Scholarship
810 W Badger Road
Madison, WI 53713

The personal statement should address the following items:

  1. Personal Information: Name, title, organization you work for, community in which you reside.
  2. Please identify your current role and describe how you are promoting positive infant mental health in your daily work.
  3. What additional skills and resources do you hope to access through participation in the Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program?
  4. What unique insights/experiences will you bring to this program because of your time in Head Start?
  5. How do you hope to share what you learn with children, families, colleagues?

To be eligible, the participant must:

  1. have been employed by a Head Start/Early Head Start/Migrant and Seasonal Head Start/Tribal Head Start program for 5 or more years
  2. have a letter of support from their agency Director
  3. work for an agency that is a WHSA member
  4. apply and be accepted into the UW Madison Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program
  5. submit a personal statement on time which addresses all 5 questions identified above.


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