Title: Head Start’s 11th National Research Conference
Location: Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001
Link out: Click here
Description: Children and families in Head Start reflect the diversity of our nation and the need to understand the nuances of diverse development, including what is universal and what is context-specific. The 2012 conference will present the latest research that examines the deeper layers of contexts and processes that foster all young children’s success in learning and coping. The research examines Head Start’s target population of low-income children and their families, as well as culturally varied populations within the United States and internationally. The goals of the conference are to identify and disseminate research relevant to young children (birth to eight years) and their families and to encourage collaboration and communication among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
Start Date: 2012-06-18
Start Time: 08:30
End Date: 2012-06-20
End Time: 05:00