President Obama is deeply committed to the cause of responsible fatherhood in our country.  As the father of two young girls and someone who grew up without his dad in the home, the President knows firsthand the power of a father’s presence in the lives of his children—and the holes dads leave when they are absent.

That’s why President Obama has launched the President’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative (in Spanish).  Its goal is to encourage individuals, especially fathers, to be involved in the lives of their children and to be positive role models and mentors for other children in their lives and communities.  Joining the Initiative by signing the pledge is just one way to show that you will do your part to be a positive and supportive figure in the lives of children to help them reach their full potential.

By joining the Initiative, you’ll get:

  • Information on local and national events that support fatherhood and mentorship.
  • Links to exceptional fatherhood and mentoring resources.
  • Access to unique content.
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