The Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and other Developmental Disabilities System is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to disseminate information and resources about healthy child development through the CDC’s “Learn the Signs.  Act Early.” public awareness campaign.  The campaign aims to educate parents about childhood development, including early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, and encourage developmental screening and intervention.

Free resources for childcare providers and parents to learn more about healthy child development are available at the CDC’s Act Early campaign page and at  Visit the CDC page if you want to order and download materials like developmental milestone checklists, fact sheets, and resource kits.  On, you’ll learn:

  • Where to find more information about children’s development;
  • What to do if you’re worried about a child’s development; and
  • How to connect to resources in your community.

The resources provided on each site will help you better understand children’s growth by learning developmental milestones and enable you to act early if you’re concerned a child is not meeting age-appropriate milestones.

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