The Simon Technology Center (STC) at the PACER Center has published EZ AT 2: Simple Assistive Technology Ideas for Children Ages Birth to Three (2011), a guide for parents and professionals interested in helping infants and toddlers with disabilities participate more fully in daily routines and activities.  The guide shows how using simple assistive technology (or AT, which refers to a wide range of products, devices, and strategies that help increase or improve a person’s ability to participate in life activities such as playing, reading, communicating, etc.) can help children with disabilities from birth to age 3 reach that goal.

EZ at 2 is a collection of “Ideas to Share” from the Tots-n-Tech Project at Arizona State University which can be used at home, during meal and snack time, during playtime, in the community, and in other situations.  The ideas have been expanded to include easy-to-follow directions as well as a glossary and vendor list so materials, supplies, and AT can be easily located.  For each of the 29 activities and ideas in EZ at 2 the guide describes:

  • A situation.
  • The goal.
  • Subject area and skills addressed.
  • Technology used.
  • Other materials used.
  • Preparation.
  • Ways to adapt the activity.

The guide reminds the user that children with disabilities have the potential to achieve great things and that the more fully children can participate in activities, the more likely they are to reach that potential.  The activities in EZ at 2 are intended to be a bridge to such success.

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